Yogahistorie og yogafilosofi
A History of Modern Yoga Elizabeth de Michelis (Continuum. London 2005)
Bhagavad Gita (I oversættelse af f.eks. Barbara Stoler Miller, Lars Martin Fosse eller S. Radhakrishnan)
Hvor der er stille – en moderne guide til Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, Ann-Charlotte Monrad (Forlaget Snepryd 2016)
Indian Philosophy – An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought Richard King (Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh 1999)
Light on Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar (findes i mange udgaver)
Roots of Yoga Sir James Mallinson & Mark Singleton (Penguin Classics. 2017)
The Mirror of Yoga – Awakening the Intelligence of Body and Mind, Richard Fremann (Shambhala. Boston 2010)
The Principle Upanisads, oversat af S. Radhakrishnan (Harper Collins India. New Delhi 1994)
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, oversat af Chip Hartranft (Shambhala Classics. Boston 2003) Find oversættelsen her:
Vejen hjem - yoga for livet, Ann-Charlotte Monrad (Forlaget Snepryd 2021)
When Love Comes to Light, Richard Freeman og Mary Taylor (Shambhala. Boulder 2020)
Yoga Body – The Origins of Modern Posture Practice, Mark Singleton (Oxford University Press. New York 2010)
Yoga, Discipline of Freedom, Yoga Sutra’ene oversat af Barbara Stoler Miller (Bantam Books. New York 1998)
Anatomi, praksis mm.
Relax and Renew, Judith Hanson Lasater (2015)
The Art of Vinyasa, Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor (2016)
The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, Bessel van der Kolk (2015)
The Key Muscles of Yoga, Ray Long (Bandha Yoga Publications 2009)
Yoga Anatomy, Leslie Kaminoff (Human Kinetics. Champaign 2007)
Yoga – Fascia, Anatomy and Movement, Joanne Sarah Avison (Handspring Publishing 2015)
Your Body, Your Yoga Bernie Clark (Wild Strawberry Productions 2016)
Kinesisk medicin
Between Heaven and Earth, a Guide to Chinese Medicine, H. Beinfield og E. Korngold (Ballantine Books, New York, 1991)
Chinese Medicine: The Web That Has No Weaver, Ted J. Captcuk (2000)
Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies, Leon Hammer (2005)
Wood Becomes Water, Gail Reichstein (Kodansha, New York, 1998)
The Geography of Thought, Richard E. Nisbett (N.B. Publishing. London 2003)
The Making of Buddhist Modernism, David L. McMahan (Oxford U.P. 2008)
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